Dancing the Classics
Students age 4-6 will be introduced to the French the vocabulary, listen to stories, music, and explore mime relating to that day’s theme. The program encourages confidence, creativity, flexibility of movement and self-expression. For more information: http://inwoodperformingarts.com/dance/summer-camp/
Irish Step Camp
Workshop will focus on technique of the traditional Irish dances including foot speed, style and patterns for ages 6 and up. Dancers will enjoy our new class Ballet for Irish which enhances strength, flexibility and promotes injury prevention. For more information : http://inwoodperformingarts.com/dance/summer-camp/
Week with the Masters
Intermediate and Advanced levels will take class in ballet, modern and contemporary with master teachers Katia Garza, Eddy Ocampo and Elijah Gibson. For more information and bios: http://inwoodperformingarts.com/dance/summer-camp/
Nutcracker Auditions
6:30-7:15pm Primary and Grade 1 7:15-8:00pm Grade 2-4 and Boys Audition fee $80 includes a Nutcracker T-shirt
41st Annual Shenandoah Valley Apple Harvest Festival
We will be selling our Famous Gourmet Apples at the 41st Annual Shenandoah Valley Apple Harvest Festival at the Frederick County Fairgrounds in Clearbrook, VA September 17-18. Pre-order yours today! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfB4Dt9GGbaqqgksSLMzLCDJFKtOwojLg0Sjt3VsbydfQyDGg/viewform?
Berkeley Springs Apple Butter Festival
We will be selling our Famous Gourmet Apples at the Apple Butter Festival in Downtown Berkeley Springs, WV.
Mountain State Apple Harvest Festival
We will be selling out Famous Gourmet Apples at the Mountain State Apple Harvest Festival located at the Historic Roundhouse in Downtown Martinsburg. Pre-order you apples today! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfB4Dt9GGbaqqgksSLMzLCDJFKtOwojLg0Sjt3VsbydfQyDGg/viewform?c=0&w=1
Visitors Week
Enjoy the progress of your child in class. All visitors are welcome.